CARIRI - Caribbean Industrial Research Institute

Trinidad and Tobago University of the West Indies, St Augustine Campus

In Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean, we are experts in petroleum testing, with over 40 years experience, and we will supply you with accurate information that will assist you and your organization in moving forward. You will be provided with the best service by committed professionals who will offer you innovative solutions for your business needs.

Our Petroleum Testing Laboratory employs the latest technology that will ensure your products are accurately tested and evaluated.


Alkalinity- Bicarbonate, Biological Oxygen Demand, BTEX - Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl-benzene, and Xylene, Chemical Oxygen Demand, Dissolved Nutrients, Faecal Coliform, Major Ions, Metals, Oil and Grease, Phenols, Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Semi Volatile Organic Compounds, Total Nutrients, Total Organic Carbon, Total Petroleum Hyrdocarbons, Total Suspended Solids, Volatile Organic Compounds
Water, Sediment


Location: Trinidad and Tobago

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